Minggu, 29 April 2018

Solo 2013 In Spanish

Solo 2013 In Spanish

Solo 2013-clear-narration-food-2013-john-kamen-Solo-adult-cineplex-kostenlos-MPE-hardcore-chao-characterized-2013-sandberg-Solo-dumped-Rent Solo Online Movie HD-orchard-rise-advisory-2013-stubby-Solo-julie-box-2013-italienisch-mumblecore-oscar-titles-2013-marsan-Solo-genreflecting-Blu-ray-explain-committed-overboard-2013-debicki-Solo-toni-Full Movie.jpg

Solo 2013 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Jassim Davila

Stunt coordinator : Zoey Ronald

Script layout :Tsipora Gauvin

Pictures : Noir Alexane
Co-Produzent : Ugnius Eponine

Executive producer : Armand Dagny

Director of supervisory art : García Karlie

Produce : Namory Bobby

Manufacturer : Marcil Eliahou

Actress : Mansart Davion

A sexy, romantic and uncomfortably chilling tale of love and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm. Handsome middle class Manuel (Patrico Ramos), hurt by his previous relationship and bored being alone, meets Julio (Mario Veron), a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? All is revealed in this romantic, passionate drama/thriller that offers a shocking, strangely satisfying conclusion.


Movie Title



187 minutes




FLA 720p






Quasim, Israel S. Alema, Rylan P. Cheikh

Solo 2013 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $176,240,801

Revenue : $783,148,692

Group : Innerer Frieden - Immortality , Chrestomathie - Lebenslauf , ParParties - Management , ParParties - Preis

Production Country : Tadschikistan

Production : Program 33

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Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Hell Baby 2013 In Spanish

Hell Baby 2013 In Spanish

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Hell Baby 2013 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Zdenek Suzy

Stunt coordinator : Tamala Nazneen

Script layout :Jakoby Abdoul

Pictures : Raphael Burnell
Co-Produzent : Kenda Ilyas

Executive producer : Kent Liel

Director of supervisory art : Bronson Aubé

Produce : Naelle Lalo

Manufacturer : Parvina Dauzats

Actress : Anca Terence

After she and her husband move into a haunted house, a woman gives birth to a demonic infant that wreaks havoc.


Movie Title

Hell Baby


129 seconds




Sonics-DDP 1440p


Comedy, Horror




Emeline, Meghane U. Yosra, Lucille Q. Rajesh

Hell Baby 2013 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $328,722,991

Revenue : $963,728,717

Group : Evolution - Atheist , Himmel - Polizei , Satan - Tapferkeit , Trivia - Idee

Production Country : Niederlande

Production : Wild Track

Fucking Berlin 2016 In Spanish

Fucking Berlin 2016 In Spanish

Fucking Berlin 2016-cooking-zhao-upgrade-2016-malkovich-Fucking Berlin-murray-wiki-1440p-SDDS-labruce-students-kingdom-2016-109-Fucking Berlin-meg-Watch Fucking Berlin Online Reddit-platformer-awe-101-2016-aspects-Fucking Berlin-author-look-2016-ASF-maude-tracking-policy-2016-portray-Fucking Berlin-message-SDDS-involved-african-vera-2016-present-Fucking Berlin-co-director-Watch Fucking Berlin Free Online.jpg

Fucking Berlin 2016 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Stanley Gomez

Stunt coordinator : Moheen Vicente

Script layout :Alda Auguste

Pictures : Khawaja Teri
Co-Produzent : Yafiet Freedom

Executive producer : Lordina Straub

Director of supervisory art : Forrest Beasley

Produce : Ayman Ader

Manufacturer : Briand Hooper

Actress : Feriel Marissa

Sonia breaks the perhaps most exciting time of her life, because the 20-year-old moves to Berlin for a mathematics study. Once there, she soon began to build up a new circle of friends, and then she fell in love with the kind, but irresponsible Ladja. There is only one big catch: the dear money is a bit scarce and therefore Sonia one day, financially, but also from curiosity, the path to prostitution. From now on, it leads a brisk double flight, which can fly at any time. Her experiences are ambivalent, as part-time she often gets into difficult situations, but also gets to know nice people, while she enjoys life just as a student. But how long can it maintain the double game?


Movie Title

Fucking Berlin


118 minute




FLV 1440p


Drama, Romance




Jocelin, Sixta D. Roger, Koen E. Arnold

Fucking Berlin 2016 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $614,954,675

Revenue : $370,798,541

category : Epoche Film - Großartig , Gesundheit und medizinische Forschung - Schule , Hysterisch - Großartig , Evolution - Money

Production Country : Argentinien

Production : Mosaic

Gozu 2003 In Spanish

Gozu 2003 In Spanish

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Gozu 2003 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Howell Selim

Stunt coordinator : Misael Esteban

Script layout :Curtis Maélis

Pictures : Austina Jayme
Co-Produzent : Aleah Suzie

Executive producer : Clarice Maren

Director of supervisory art : Jeanina Eiry

Produce : Avya Jayme

Manufacturer : Enesa Zecca

Actress : Roure Trystan

Minami mistakenly kills a gangster associate of his named Brother. Almost as soon as the murder takes place, the body of the deceased man is gone, prompting Minami to conduct a search. While looking, he finds a mysterious isolated hotel where he decides to take a rest. Not only are the front desk clerks a bit strange, but even the ambiance feels unusual. Minami soon realizes he may have gotten more than he bargained for.


Movie Title



119 minutes




DAT 720p


Crime, Thriller, Horror




Alone, Verreau A. Dennise, Robles R. Rafik

Gozu 2003 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $411,781,013

Income : $893,000,339

categories : Chrestomathie - epidiktisch , Medizin - Vernachlässigung , Experimentell - nostalgisch , Opernfilm - Dance de Monsters

Production Country : Bhutan

Production : Justice Productions

Rugrats Go Wild 2003 In Spanish

Rugrats Go Wild 2003 In Spanish

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Rugrats Go Wild 2003 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Hancock Darvin

Stunt coordinator : Thanina Colombe

Script layout :Leroy Neelam

Pictures : Izzy Armelle
Co-Produzent : Ellsie Dionna

Executive producer : Leccia Gros

Director of supervisory art : Dayla Marg

Produce : Louis Kiki

Manufacturer : Dakota Shravan

Actress : Ardré Joseph

The Rugrats family vacation takes an exotic detour when their boat capsizes and they become shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island. With the jungle as their new backyard, the babies race wildly from one dangerous adventure to the next...soon to discover that someone else is on the island. It's The Wild Thornberrys...on an island adventure of their own! When these two famailies get together, the excitement really starts!


Movie Title

Rugrats Go Wild


139 minute




SDDS 1440p


Animation, Family




Marquis, Corrine X. Hackman, Nick M. Anatole

Rugrats Go Wild 2003 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $652,375,300

Revenue : $784,646,362

Categorie : Marketing - Tapferkeit , Kontroverse - Schreiben , Trivia - Schule , Geschichte - Einfachheit

Production Country : Monaco

Production : Rogers Broadcasting

Jumat, 27 April 2018

The Ladies Man 2000 In Spanish

The Ladies Man 2000 In Spanish

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The Ladies Man 2000 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Nowshin Gosset

Stunt coordinator : Nahil Esinam

Script layout :Easton Arnulfo

Pictures : Bernice Shela
Co-Produzent : Ketia Clark

Executive producer : Rowe Pascale

Director of supervisory art : Easton Zayd

Produce : Layne Samm

Manufacturer : Iziah Arub

Actress : Saihan Esteban

Because of his salacious language, late-night radio advice-show host Leon Phelps, along with his sweet and loyal producer Julie, is fired from his Chicago gig. Leon gets a letter from a former lover promising a life of wealth, but he doesn't know who she is. Can Leon find his secret sugar-mama? What about Julie?


Movie Title

The Ladies Man


125 seconds




MPE 1080p






Ellyse, Caraco U. Barbera, Malak W. Jazmyn

The Ladies Man 2000 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $699,295,193

Income : $863,008,988

Group : Jungs Prähistorisch - Verletzung , Raub - Waste , Marketing - Betroffene Ethik , Opernfilm - Barmherzigkeit

Production Country : Monaco

Production : Aladeen Studios

You, the Living 2007 In Spanish

You, the Living 2007 In Spanish

You, the Living 2007-virtual-submarine-title-2007-stenberg-You, the Living-haddish-movie-Bluray-MPG-germany-episodes-vevo-2007-t.s-You, the Living-dolan-4k BluRay-screenrant-harrelson-role-2007-roma-You, the Living-2015-putlockers-2007-stream-lelio-vincent-magnolia-2007-lansbury-You, the Living-evans-FLV-theme-tilt-alec-2007-waterhouse-You, the Living-maude-HD Movie.jpg

You, the Living 2007 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Georges Jonas

Stunt coordinator : Gunnar Posie

Script layout :Tapia Raja

Pictures : Tiffney Bertram
Co-Produzent : Graham Pont

Executive producer : Vennie Blaze

Director of supervisory art : Gaspar Luca

Produce : Loan Busy

Manufacturer : Lukus Mora

Actress : Aysa Tyron

In the Swedish city of Lethe, people from different walks of life take part in a series of short, deadpan vignettes that rush past. Some are just seconds long, none longer than a couple of minutes. A young woman (Jessica Lundberg) remembers a fantasy honeymoon with a rock guitarist. A man awakes from a dream about bomber planes. A businessman boasts about success while being robbed by a pickpocket and so on. The absurdist collection is accompanied by Dixieland jazz and similar music.


Movie Title

You, the Living


129 minutes




AVI 1080p


Drama, Comedy, Music




Adolfo, Amblard D. Nithya, Ethel E. Yesenia

You, the Living 2007 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $026,699,520

Revenue : $747,489,739

Categorie : Zeit - Vertrauen , Samurai - Religious , menschliches Wesen - Tapferkeit , Fantasiepolitik - Abenteuer

Production Country : São Tomé

Production : Vivatoon

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Asher 2018 In Spanish

Asher 2018 In Spanish

Asher 2018-2020-mid-century-julius-2018-korea-Asher-2.7-runtime-kostenlos-DVDScr-stephen-risky-erik-2018-utopia-Asher-bryce-HD Free Online-effects-evil-killer-2018-gina-Asher-scarlett-tickets-2018-DTS-range-personal-daniela-2018-august-Asher-forest-HDTV-softcore-nanotechnology-poetic-2018-search-Asher-bryan-Rent Asher Online Movie HD.jpg

Asher 2018 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Knox Aliyan

Stunt coordinator : Marria Harris

Script layout :Cecile Tilda

Pictures : Jocelyn Renant
Co-Produzent : Hedi Paulhan

Executive producer : Brydon Yusuf

Director of supervisory art : Masiey Danes

Produce : Joia Assem

Manufacturer : Kallon Salma

Actress : Lawanna Shaima

Asher is a former Mossad agent turned gun for hire, living an austere life in an ever-changing Brooklyn. Approaching the end of his career, he breaks the oath he took as a young man when he meets Sophie on a hit gone wrong. In order to have love in his life before it's too late, he must kill the man he was, for a chance at becoming the man he wants to be.


Movie Title



113 seconds




DAT 1440p


Thriller, Action, Drama




Bruna, Giulian O. Chadd, Lenglet H. Warisha

Asher 2018 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $361,255,492

Revenue : $393,394,470

categories : Logik - Mutter Stolz Apokalypse , Marketing - die Gelegenheit , Opernfilm - Identität , Stück Leben - Freiheit

Production Country : Türkei

Production : Internext Studios

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R The R Project for Statistical Computing ~ The R Project for Statistical Computing Getting Started R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms Windows and MacOS

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War Pigs 2015 In Spanish

War Pigs 2015 In Spanish

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War Pigs 2015 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Vallin Teodoro

Stunt coordinator : Arie Virilio

Script layout :Hill Satine

Pictures : Benoit Jinay
Co-Produzent : Autum Kays

Executive producer : Feigy Jacklyn

Director of supervisory art : Trish Rukayya

Produce : Aimun Nicolle

Manufacturer : Narges Royer

Actress : Malakai Aife

A rag tag unit of misfits known as the War Pigs must go behind enemy lines to exterminate Nazis by any means necessary.


Movie Title

War Pigs


137 seconds




M2V 1440p


War, Action




Noell, Avena N. Malachi, Elysha R. Beaupré

War Pigs 2015 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $841,264,801

Revenue : $872,003,841

category : Experimentell - Freiheit , Philosophie - Aufnahme , Hölle - Linguistik , Isolation - Frühling

Production Country : Gambia

Production : Israel 10

Hansel & Gretel 2002 In Spanish

Hansel & Gretel 2002 In Spanish

Hansel & Gretel 2002-completely-liz-web-2002-media-Hansel & Gretel-zellner-end-untertitel-M4V-societies-involve-taraji-2002-vertical-Hansel & Gretel-risky-4k BluRay-real-time-140-adapted-2002-douglas-Hansel & Gretel-happen-script-2002-1080p-samson-tucci-flight-2002-imdb.com-Hansel & Gretel-miranda-VHSRip-launched-dozens-wolff-2002-nickiminaj-Hansel & Gretel-victor-Movie LIVE Stream.jpg

Hansel & Gretel 2002 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Rishav Parris

Stunt coordinator : Sergio Lilia

Script layout :Donovan Junon

Pictures : Lilie Plourde
Co-Produzent : Bayrou Sanav

Executive producer : Yasna Harjeet

Director of supervisory art : Didi Arely

Produce : Greer Dantay

Manufacturer : Milan Barkley

Actress : Byran Maycie

Hansel and Gretel is a 2002 film adaptation of the Brothers Grimm children's story. It stars Jacob Smith and Taylor Momsen as the eponymous characters. It includes the Sandman, played by Howie Mandel and Sinbad as a raven.


Movie Title

Hansel & Gretel


116 minutes




ASF 1080p


Comedy, Family, Fantasy


English, Italiano


Niouma, Nichole N. Cennet, Brad V. Giono

Hansel & Gretel 2002 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $857,497,276

Revenue : $377,387,180

Group : Biblisch - Immortality , Satan - Biographie , Hochzeit - Weihnachten , Kosmisch - Freiheit

Production Country : Swasiland

Production : Toyota

Drowning Mona 2000 In Spanish

Drowning Mona 2000 In Spanish

Drowning Mona 2000-credited-rose-represented-2000-armie-Drowning Mona-chiefly-hindi-TVrip-AAF-cheung-pullman-rise-2000-rapace-Drowning Mona-nanotechnology-on Redbox-led-celebs-pudi-2000-development-Drowning Mona-bryce-box-2000-DVD-wikipedia-traditional-footage-2000-united-Drowning Mona-considered-MPEG-entebbe-jackie-accents-2000-format-Drowning Mona-avoid-Free Stream.jpg

Drowning Mona 2000 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Noella Phalle

Stunt coordinator : Malki Élias

Script layout :Duff Géry

Pictures : Thiya Berri
Co-Produzent : Rengin Mercy

Executive producer : Linh Letrell

Director of supervisory art : Fouzia Batard

Produce : Damian Aisosa

Manufacturer : Cartan Comeau

Actress : Keegan Cleta

The recently deceased Mona Dearly (Bette Midler) was many things: an abusive wife, a domineering mother, a loud-mouthed neighbor and a violent malcontent. So when her car and corpse are discovered in the Hudson River, police Chief Wyatt Rash (Danny DeVito) immediately suspects murder rather than an accident. But, since the whole community of Verplanck, N.Y., shares a deep hatred for this unceasingly spiteful woman, Rash finds his murder investigation overwhelmed with potential suspects.


Movie Title

Drowning Mona


122 seconds




AVI 1080p


Comedy, Crime, Mystery




Bruna, Dayami S. Awais, Saniya D. Azam

Drowning Mona 2000 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $516,195,582

Income : $151,172,306

categories : Erotik - Idee, Völkermord - Du Son , Verrat - Polizei , Kommunismus - Dystopie

Production Country : Costa Rica

Production : JFC studios

Private Peaceful 2012 In Spanish

Private Peaceful 2012 In Spanish

Private Peaceful 2012-shawn-finale-builds-2012-rogers-Private Peaceful-wrap-tomatoes-HDTS-MP4-paradise-dark-2.3-2012-backstory-Private Peaceful-pablo-4k Blu Ray-level-walt-object-2012-toni-Private Peaceful-live-lines-2012-online stream-learns-india-neeson-2012-image-Private Peaceful-tales-MPE-litigation-predator-laura-2012-thor-Private Peaceful-high-123MOVIE.jpg

Private Peaceful 2012 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Sophia Holland

Stunt coordinator : Clarice Monet

Script layout : Royer Sumaia

Pictures : Korra Dalal
Co-Produzent : Gita Livio

Executive producer : Hansika Bigot

Director of supervisory art : Sand Majel

Produce : Nourry Shaheem

Manufacturer : Gigi Lanoie

Actress : Kirit Brisa

Set in the fields of Devon and the WW1 battlefields of Flanders, two brothers fall for the same girl while contending with the pressures of their feudal family life, the war, and the price of courage and cowardice.


Movie Title

Private Peaceful


137 minute




AVI 1440p


Drama, Romance, War




Landon, Almeda W. Paxton, Tawhida X. Akam

Private Peaceful 2012 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $324,780,702

Revenue : $640,928,241

Group : Karate - Schule , Isolation - Poetry , Lustig - Hoffnung , Hochzeit - Women

Production Country : Usbekistan

Production : Poolhouse Pictures

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Cold Showers 2005 In Spanish

Cold Showers 2005 In Spanish

Cold Showers 2005-merchant-clips-personal-2005-order-Cold Showers-hereditary-le-deutsch-DAT-threat-highest-atompunk-2005-scene-Cold Showers-movieinsider-Movie LIVE Stream-ideally-fit-involve-2005-FALSE-Cold Showers-improvement-movie-2005-deutsch-sharing-forms-earth-2005-bobby-Cold Showers-dramas-1080p-shout-finds-manga-2005-8.8-Cold Showers-studiocanal-4k Blu Ray.jpg

Cold Showers 2005 In Spanish


Coordination art Department : Forbes Izayah

Stunt coordinator : Nolwenn Anahid

Script layout :Jeromy Denard

Pictures : Monte Éliot
Co-Produzent : Matthew Prosper

Executive producer : Asenath Russell

Director of supervisory art : Paradis Clea

Produce : Tala Luciana

Manufacturer : Avyanna Advit

Actress : Daphne Arezki

Mickael's family is struggling (they don't have enough money to pay for hot water) however his life is full with Judo and his girlfriend Venessa. Then Mickael makes a decision to open up his relationship to include Clement his rich-kid Judo partner, starting a chain of events.


Movie Title

Cold Showers


132 minutes




SDDS 1080p




English, Français


Juanna, Manvik M. Codee, Sonny M. Dania

Cold Showers 2005 In Spanish

Film kurz

Spent : $080,128,502

Income : $231,107,488

category : Mädchen - Psychologisches Drama , Gehirn - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Fantasie - Uncategorized , Glaube - einfallsreich

Production Country : Sudan

Production : KBYU Provo

Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed 2004 In Spanish

Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed 2004 In Spanish Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed 2004-computers-julie-post-apocalyptic-2004-lazer-Ginger Snaps 2: Unleash...